21 August 2008

Grand Campaign Chaos versus Lizardmen Part 1

This Campaign was played out over several weeks, 5 battles long and each battle impacted on the one played after it. Henk’s Lizardman army played against my Chaos army for control over a vital magical conduit, which once captured would allow Chaos magic to overpower the remaining defences of the Old Ones around the Talek’kriskov Ziggurat, a vital Lizardman community.

The 5 games that we have planned are as follows:

Rules were any victory meant your army received the bonus for the next game, and any draw result meant the winner of the previous game received the bonus for the next game.

Battle One: 500 Points Border Patrol, the winner of this game becomes the attacker in the next game.

Battle Two: 1000 Points Flank Attack, the winner of this game becomes the attacker in the next game.

Battle Three: 1900 / 950 Points Last Stand, the winner of this game receives +1 special feature in the next game, randomly rolled for at the beginning of the game. (This meant it could provide +1 PD/DD, or cause hatred, or +100 VP)

Battle Four: 2250 Points Battlefield Supremacy, the winner of this game gets +50 Points to spend on their army in the final game per objective they hold.

Battle Five: 3000 + 50x Points Pitched Battle, the winner of this game wins the entire campaign.

As of this posting, (22 August) 4 of the 5 battles have been played, with a current tally of 1 win, 1 loss and 2 draw’s for both armies. The 5th battle is set to be a massive undertaking and will decide the winner.

In my next posts, I will briefly describe each of the 4 battles already completed from memory. (It’s been a little while, but I will do my best)